
At a summit in Germany, the leaders of the G7 countries agreed to transfer money from the increase in customs duties on russian export to Ukraine, the White House website informs.

"President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders will seek permission to use the revenue from new tariffs on russian goods to help Ukraine and ensure that russia pays the costs for its war,"-  the report said.

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On July 1, draft law No. 7418 on amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding revision of certain tax benefits enters into force.

The adoption of this law makes background for canceling the list of critical import goods, which has been in effect since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

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In the conditions of the blockade of Ukrainian seaports, the Ministry of Infrastructure has been working daily to reorient logistics to dry land, in particular to the western borders of Ukraine with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.

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The state company "Austrian Federal Railways" (ÖBB) has already transported more than 130 000 tons of grain from Ukraine to the territory of the EU.

This is reported by Ukrinform with reference to APA.

"Since the beginning of the war, ÖBB has already transported more than 130 000 tons of grain from Ukraine to Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary," - the message says.

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On July 29, in Lyon, France, Ukraine and the European Union signed an agreement on road freight transport.

It eliminates the need for Ukrainian carriers to obtain appropriate permits for bilateral and transit traffic to EU countries and allows avoiding cessation of the export of Ukrainian products through motor vehicle checkpoints.

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The Cabinet of Ministers canceled the ban on the export of rye and mineral fertilizers. An automatic licensing regime has been introduced for these products.

Currently, transitional rye residues in Ukraine are estimated at 73 000 tons, and grain production is planned at 351 000 tons. This will make it possible to ensure the internal need for consumption, which is 353 thousand tons per year.

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The Cabinet of Ministers decided to postpone the entry into force of the Technical Regulation on cosmetic products until August 3, 2024 and to introduce a transition period for cosmetic product market operators until August 3, 2026.

This is reported by the Ministry of health protection of Ukraine.

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On July 27, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading the draft law "On amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine regarding the regulation of the procedure for drawing up customs declarations for goods that are classified within one commodity item according to the Ukrainian classification of goods of foreign economic activity of the Economic and Monetary Union, in accordance with the Customs Code of the European Union."

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The Verkhovna Rada supported as a whole the draft law «On Amendments to Chapter XXI «Final and Transitional Provisions» of the Customs Code of Ukraine regarding the exemption from import duty of goods used to ensure the storage of grain and/or oil crops."

People's deputy Iaroslav Zheleznyak reported this in Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

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The official opening of the Joint Coordination Center, which will be engaged in the export of grain and other food products from the ports of Ukraine via the Black Sea, took place in Istanbul.

This is reported by Ukrinform with reference to TRT Haber.

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