
 Ukraine and the United Kingdom have significant prospects in the liberalization of bilateral trade, increasing trade and developing the investment component of cooperation between the countries.

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Lithuania has abolished the verification of compliance with environmental standards for Ukrainian trucks. From now on, Ukrainian trucks of any age may cross Lithuania, but in good technical condition. This was reported by the Ukrainian Agrarian Council.

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Innovation Development Center, Office of Entrepreneurship and Export Development, national project Diia.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to create new opportunities for Ukrainian exporters and has completed the connection of all embassies to the new digital platform of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine NAZOVNI.

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Ukraine has offered to establish the Organization of Countries-Grain Exporters. Adviser to the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Markiyan Dmytrasevych informed about the goals of such an OPEC for grain during  the air of the national marathon UA razom. “We want the world's major grain exporters - the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, the EU - to be united to protect their interests in the world market, ” - said Markiyan Dmytrasevich.

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Unlocking Ukrainian ports for food security will be a major Ukrainian issue on the World Trade Organization agenda. This was announced by the First Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyridenko after a meeting with WTO Director General Ngozi Okondji-Iveala at the World Economic Forum.

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Since the beginning of the war, in some regions of Ukraine a project has been launched to provide consulting support to economic entities  that are forced to temporarily stop their activities in some parts of our country, where due to the armed aggression and which are under fire, and were forced to move to safer places.

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The European Parliament's Committee on International Trade has approved the suspension of EU import duties on Ukrainian products for a year to support Ukraine's economy. This was reported on the website of the European Parliament.

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The state is working together with partners to expand opportunities for Ukrainian export, especially agricultural products. This was stated by Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal during a government meeting on May 13.

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In March 2022 Ukrainian export reduced by 57,9% compared to February, and import - by 75,8%. According to Ukrinform, this is reported by the State Statistics Service. “In March 2022, compared with February 2022, seasonally corrected export reuced by 57,9% and import - by 75,8%. Seasonally corrected foreign trade balance in March 2022 was positive and amounted to 819,4 million US dollars”, - it is told in the message.

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