Export of Ukrainian agricultural products for the first half of November

During 2,5 months of autumn 16,6 million tons of agricultural products went to other countries, among them 2,8 million tons went to other countries in the first 15 days of November 2022. This is 800 000 tons less than in the first half of October.

The total tonnage of shipments is:

  • wheat – 6,3 million tons (29,33% of the total volume),
  • corn - 11,1 million tons (27,39%),
  • sunflower oil - 307 thousand tons (10,86%),
  • soybeans - 199 thousand tons (7,05%),
  • sunflower seeds - 186 thousand tons (6,60%)
  • rapeseed - 183 thousand tons (6,48%)
  • barley - 166 thousand tons (5,88%).

The export of agricultural products in terms of their transportation in the first two weeks of November is as follows:

  • through ports (sea and river) 1,9 million tons were shipped 
  • by railway - 541 thousand tons,
  • by car - 325 thousand tons,
  • by ferry - 30 thousand tons.

 Reference source: http://bit.ly/3gxbtIJ


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