
The Verkhovna Rada passed the bill on amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine. This Law also abolishes the so-called “soybean amendments”. These amendments abolished VAT refunds for Ukrainian exporters.

283 MPs voted for the draft Law on amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding improvement of Tax Administration, removing technical and logical mismatches in the Tax Legislation.

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During 11 months of 2019 Ukraine has exported agricultural products worth 20,2 billion USD and this number exceeded the sum received from exports of agricultural products during 2018. In 2018 the record value of agrarian exports amounted to 18,8 billion USD.

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During a 9-month period of this year Ukraine has exported to the European market 248 tons of snails. It has to be noted that in 2018 the exports volume of these products to the EU was 93 tons. This information was provided on Wednesday by the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

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During the Seventh Session of the Ukrainian-Chinese Subcommittee on Agricultural Cooperation, held in Beijing on November 27, 2019, a Protocol on veterinary and phytosanitary requirements for the export of rapeseed meal from Ukraine to the People's Republic of China was signed between the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection and the General Administration

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The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has ratified the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union about the increase of export quotas for poultry meat.

The Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Serhii Nikolaichuk, while presenting the Agreement, noted that poultry meat exports is one of important export destinations of Ukrainian agricultural products to the EU.

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The Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine informed the Ukrainian National News (UNN) that Ukrainian agricultural products are in demand abroad, but the dynamics of goods differ. 

Key positions in the exports of food products occupy:

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The Ukrainian National News (UNN) informs that almost half of all exports of Ukraine make products of agro industrial complex. It is proved by the date provided by the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.

During 9 month of this year Ukraine has exported goods and services worth 44,8 billion USD (services worth 7,8 billion USD, goods – 37 billion USD).

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From the beginning of 2019/2020 marketing year (from July 1, 2019) till December 23, 2019 Ukraine has exported 29, 35 million tons of grain crops. This is 34,9% more in comparison with the same period of the previous year.

This was reported by the information analysis web portal of AIC of Ukraine.

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If Ukraine does not bring its legislation and regulations in line with the new EU regulations, it will not be able to export animal products there.

Ukrinform correspondent reports that it was announced by Vitalii Bashynskyi, the national coordinator of FAO project (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) during a press-conference on the occasion of World Antibiotic Awareness Week “Stop antibiotic resistance”.

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On November 26, 2019 the Europarliament ratified the Agreement  between the European Union and Ukraine on amendments to the economic part of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.

The amendments concern increase of the duty-free quotas for poultry meat export from Ukraine to the EU countries.

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