
On July 12, the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine came into force. This order introduced new requirements for safety and quality of milk and dairy products.

This document aims to unify Ukrainian and European requirements, regulate the key microbiological indicators, adapt technological requirements to modern realities and to cancel outdated norms and requirements.

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During 6 months of 2019 Ukraine has exported goods and services worth     29,5 billion USD and it is 5,9% more in comparison with the same period last year. At the same time, the exports of goods over the above mentioned period amounted to 24,4 billion USD and foreign trade operations were conducted with partners from 214 different countries of the world.

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On August 21, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the rules of commercial and non-commercial risk hedging, reinsurance and provision of security for Ukrainian products exporters. By implementing this decision the Government continues the measures aimed at supporting exporters of Ukrainian products (goods, services). The support is provided with the help of instruments of commercial and non-commercial risk hedging, reinsurance and provision of security according to the... Read More

In January-June of this year Ukraine has increased export of fruit and berries by 16% in comparison with the same period of 2018 and now it amounts to 116 million USD.

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On July 22, 2019 Ukrainian exporters of agricultural products have completely took up quotas for duty-free export to the EU of nine commodity items. 

It has been reported by the press-service of the Ukrainian agribusiness club (UCAB). 

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Ukraine has been included into the list of the countries which are allowed to export milk and dairy products, including butter and cheese, to Japan. It was reporter by the press-service of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection.  

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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the Development Strategy of Export of agricultural, food and processing industry products till 2026.

The main objective of the Strategy is to define a long-term policy of our country aimed at ensuring a stable increase in the volumes of exports of domestic agricultural, food and processing industry products (goods, services and technologies).

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On July 11, 2019 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has ratified the Free Trade Agreement with Israel. Under the terms of agreement Israel will open 80% of the manufactured goods market for Ukraine and Ukraine will open 70% of its market for Israel. For the rest of the goods, separate transition periods are envisioned by the agreement.

It should be mentioned that Israel is one of 20 focus markets for Ukraine according to the Export Strategy.

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According to the data provided by Eurostat, from May 2018 to April 2019 Ukraine has exported to the EU products worth 6, 3 billion EUR. Sales increased by 14, 2% in comparison with the previous season. As a result, Ukraine has become one of three main suppliers of agricultural products to the European Union.

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Ukraine is on the 3rd place among the exporters of poultry meat to the EU. It is proved by the data from January-April of this year, published on the webpage of the European Commission. During this period of time Ukraine has exported to the EU 43 381 tons of poultry meat. This is 11,9% more than in January-April 2019 (38 776 tons). So, Ukraine is among the top three exporters of poultry to the EU. Thailand and Brazil is on the 1st and on the 2nd place.

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