DFC's intention to raise $1 billion to support Ukraine's economy can be a signal to creditors and investors around the world

The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) announced its intention to mobilize 250 million US dollars this year for Ukrainian banks to increase lending to SMEs.

In total, the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation announced its readiness to mobilize more than 1 billion US dollars to support the economy of Ukraine.

Usually DFC supports only American investors who know how to invest in different countries around the world. But for the sake of Ukraine, they made an exception and are ready to issue loans even in those cases when the American investor will not be represented in Ukrainian business.

To provide support in Ukraine, DFC uses several instruments at once - in addition to direct lending, it also covers credit and military risks. The latter product is currently available but requires additional refinancing, which DFC have been already working on.

In the nearest  future, a group of DFC experts will come to Ukraine to provide instructions to the Advantage Ukraine team, which will help clarify the project selection criteria and save time for application consideration.

Reference source: http://bit.ly/3kOtzrm


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