
The decision of the Polish government to ban the import of Ukrainian grain to the Polish market is appropriate, but it is necessary to increase the transit of Ukrainian grain to the markets of third countries through the territory of the Republic of Poland. "I believe that the decision to ban the sale of Ukrainian grain on the Polish market is correct. Instead, I am convinced that we should do everything possible to make the transit as large as possible," Duda emphasized.

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As part of the working visit of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Canada, bilateral documents were signed. The head of the Ukrainian state and the head of the Canadian government signed the updated Agreement on free trade between Ukraine and Canada.

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UkraineInvest supports the creation of a new investment fund for Ukraine with the total amount of 250 - 500 million US dollars. It is stressed that during a working visit to Washington, CEO of UkraineInvest Serhii Tsivkach signed a memorandum with Chicago Atlantic (jurisdiction - USA, Delaware) on the institution's further support of the newly created investment fund focusing on Ukraine.

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Ukraine is grateful to the European Commission for its efforts to integrate Ukrainian transport routes, including the Danube section, into the pan-European TEN-T transport network and will be working together with the EU and neighboring countries to develop this infrastructure.

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The export of Ukrainian berries from 2014 to 2022 increased from 3,4 thousand tons to 88,13 thousand tons, or in 26 times. It is mentioned that the production of cultivated berries in Ukraine includes garden strawberries (54,31 thousand tons), raspberries (65 thousand tons), currants and red currants (24,69 thousand tons), and blueberries (1,82 thousand tons).

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In order to verify and approve the export of certain agricultural goods to the Republic of Bulgaria, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Hungary and the Republic of Poland, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by Resolution No. 1020 of September 19, 2023, introduced licensing of the export of certain goods to the specified countries.

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As of September 27, the exports volume of grain and luxuimonous crops from Ukraine in 2023/2024 MY amounted to 6,3 million tons and this is 20% less than y-o-y. Since the beginning of the season 3,1 million tons of wheat have been exported and this is 12% more in comparison with the previous year.  

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This was discussed during a meeting between Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, and Audrey Renaud-Basso, President of the EBRD.

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Міжнародне агентство з гарантування інвестицій Світового банку (MIGA) надало перші інвестиційні гарантії для приватних інвесторів в Україну. The World Bank's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) has issued its first investment guarantees for private investors in Ukraine. 

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In 2022/23 MY, the export of refined sunflower oil from Ukraine amounted to about 535 thousand tonnes (+5% y-o-y). This became the maximum for the last 3 seasons, and the second-largest export volume since 2019/20 MY (666 thousand tonnes).

The EU countries remained the main importers of Ukrainian refined oil, with a share of 45% against 44% in the 2021/22 MY. The export growth in this direction was about 7% in the season-2022/23.

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