Ukraine and Great Britain extended the regime of duty-free trade for another five years

On August 22, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the Agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on political cooperation, free trade and strategic partnership.

Till  2029 it is planned to abolish all import duties, as well as tariff quotas in bilateral trade.

The agreement with Britain will open up a new sales market for domestic manufacturers, strengthen Ukraine's export potential, and contribute to the development of business and the national economy.

The agreement will be valid for 5 years - until March 31, 2029, with the exception of two product items - eggs and poultry meat products. Duty-free trade in these products has been extended for 2 years - until April 1, 2026.

The new terms of trade are expected to stimulate the exchange of goods between the two countries. Ukrainian manufacturers will be able to increase the export of goods traditional for the British market, such as flour, cereals, dairy products, poultry meat, tomato paste, honey and various juices.

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