Export of corn since the beginning of 2022/23 marketing year has reached 26,5 million tons

As of May 26, 44,796 thousand tons of grain and leguminous crops have been exported from Ukraine from the beginning of the 2022/23 marketing year (July-June). The total volume of grain exports is almost 2 million tons less in comparison with an indicator as of May 27 last year.

The deliveries of wheat as of this date is 15 341 thousand tons and this is 3,2 million tons less. 2 625 thousand tons of barley have been shipped and this is 3 million tons less. The deliveries of corn abroad amount to 26 499 thousand tons and this is 4,4 million tons more than in the previous season. Moreover, 17,9 thousand tons of rye have been delivered abroad and this is 9 times less in comparison with the same period of the last season. 

In addition to this, 139,800 tons of cereal flour (including 134,400 tons of wheat flour) have been shipped abroad so far, which is almost 69,000 tons more than during the same period in the previous season.

Since the beginning of the current month, grain exports amounted to 2,910 thousand tons, including wheat - 943 thousand tons, barley - 160 thousand tons, and corn - 1 801 thousand tons. Export of flour amounts to 11,7 thousand tons.

More details: https://bit.ly/3C3STPD


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