The export of agricultural products for 11 months of 2023 lags behind last year's indicators

In January-November 2023, Ukraine has sold agricultural products worth 19 637 million US dollars on foreign markets, which is 7% less than in the corresponding period of 2022.

The basis of our country's agricultural export is traditionally grain and oil crops, oil, food industry residues, meat and by-products, which account for 87% of its value.

At the same time, food import for 11 months of the current year reached 6 217 million US dollars, exceeding last year's indicators  by 16%. The largest expenses are spent on the purchase of fish and seafood, fruit and berry products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages abroad.

Except war and its negative consequences, there were also bans and restrictions on the import of certain types of products from Ukraine, which are still continued by Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

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