
In Cherkasy region there are 257 mineral deposits, including  250 local and 7 of national importance.

  • region is rich in non-metallic minerals, primarily building materials;
  • brown coal reserves – 80,4 mln. tons;
  • reserves and resources of oil shale – 3 796 mln. tons;
  • phosphate-titanium ores – 881,8 million tons;
  • graphite ore resources make up 115,8 million tons, including 62,5mln. loose and semi-loose ores (5 mln. tons of graphite);
  • reserves of kaolin deposits of Ryzhanivsky deposit - 25 million tons;
  • prospective resources of other deposits - up to 20 million tons each;
  • prospective resources of primary kaolin - up to 499,4 million tons;
  • in Cherkasy region there were previously explored Ripkivska and Bosivska areas, Votylivska and Vynohradiv areas have been investigated with reserves ІІ, ІІІ and ІV layers of more than 20 million tons of bentonite clay;
  • considerable resources of underground fresh and mineral waters.