
A law establishing special conditions for the export of certain agricultural products entered into force in Ukraine. The purpose of the innovations is to timely return to Ukraine foreign exchange earnings from the sale of agricultural products abroad.

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The European Commission gave a high assessment of the results of Ukraine's approach to the customs union (based on the results of the EC's Conclusion on Ukraine's application for EU membership).

The European Commission gave a high assessment of Ukraine's readiness to implement Chapter 29: Customs Union - the 4th level of preparation out of 5 (the fifth level currently includes a single measure on providing digital services for the population).

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Ukrainian grain in Hungary will be subject to the same quality control requirements as grain grown in the European Union.

Hungary introduces a regime of strict control over the quality of Ukrainian grain arriving the country's domestic market. Such a step is aimed at helping Hungarian farmers who may suffer from increased import of cheaper Ukrainian grain.

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The investment menu on the AdvantageUkraine platform is ready, offering more than 50 investment projects worth almost 9 billion US dollars. Therefore, Ukraine calls on British business to invest in the development of Ukraine, without waiting for the end of the war, to help Ukrainian companies to develop.

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PJSC "Export Credit Agency" and EXIMBANKA SR signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which defines the guiding principles of cooperation between

them to promote the development of export of goods and services of Ukraine and Slovakia.

*EXIMBANKA SR is a state export credit agency of Slovakia, established in 1997 with the aim of stimulating export activities of Slovak businesses.

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On February 5, Law 2881-IX entered into force in Ukraine, which provides for special conditions for the export of certain types of agricultural products. Its purpose is the timely return to Ukraine of foreign exchange earnings from the export of agricultural products. The norms of the law will be implemented in a month from the date of its publication.

This document stipulates that during the period of martial law:

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At an online meeting, representatives of the State Production and Consumer Service and the Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan discussed changes in the Azerbaijani legislation on the import of food products and forage, including materials and products in contact with food products, effective from February 1.

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By the end of 2023 Ukraine plans to sign an agreement on the Access of Ukrainian goods to the EU market (ACAA). This means that all industrial production will work according to EU rules, and therefore it will be profitable for European business to locate production for the EU market on the territory of Ukraine.

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During January-October 2022, 63% of Ukrainian export were directed to EU countries, the vast majority of them to the central and eastern regions. Growth occurred through increased export to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Poland and Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria.

At the same time, export to the countries of Western Europe fell significantly, in particular, to Germany by 20%, the Netherlands by 26%, and Italy by 52%.

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During the meeting on November 25, the Government decided to ban the export of fuel timber. This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

"This will contribute to its accumulation in Ukraine. After all, in many communities, especially those near the frontline, timber is currently the main resource for heating. Russia's attacks on the energy system only increase its strategic importance,"-  the head of the Government emphasized.

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