Ukraine received a high rating from the European Commission regarding the fulfillment of EU requirements in the customs sphere

The European Commission gave a high assessment of the results of Ukraine's approach to the customs union (based on the results of the EC's Conclusion on Ukraine's application for EU membership).

The European Commission gave a high assessment of Ukraine's readiness to implement Chapter 29: Customs Union - the 4th level of preparation out of 5 (the fifth level currently includes a single measure on providing digital services for the population).

In the context of European integration processes, the following main achievements of Ukraine in the customs sphere were mentioned in the Conclusion of the European Commission:

  • it became a member of the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure and the Convention on the Simplification of Formalities in Trade in Goods on October 1, 2022;
  • it is connected to the common customs information system of the EU (CCN) and uses the New Computerized Transit System (NCTS);
  • it fulfilled about 80% of its customs obligations under the Association Agreement with the EU, in particular in the key areas of transit, the system of simplifications, guarantees and intellectual property rights;
  • there is a national program of authorized economic operators (AEO);
  • Ukraine is a contracting party to the Pan-Euro-Med Convention on the Rules of Origin of Goods;
  • the legislation on the control of cultural values has been brought in line with the EU rules.

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