Ukraine calls on British businesses to invest in the country's development

The investment menu on the AdvantageUkraine platform is ready, offering more than 50 investment projects worth almost 9 billion US dollars. Therefore, Ukraine calls on British business to invest in the development of Ukraine, without waiting for the end of the war, to help Ukrainian companies to develop.

Private investment in defense, agriculture, IT, renewable energy, gas extraction and storage, logistics development, construction, etc. are expected in Ukraine. Ukraine offers building sites that can be located in industrial parks, tax incentives, war risk insurance from MIGA and DFC covering up to 90% of potential losses, lending from international financial organizations and credit risk coverage.

For reference: the Advantage Ukraine investment attraction initiative was presented on September 6. The platform collects investment projects and opportunities in 10 sectors of the economy with a total potential of more than 400 billion US dollars.

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