Export of Ukrainian sunflower meal to the EU has increased by 63%

The export of Ukrainian sunflower meal since the beginning of the season (September-April) amounted to almost 2,7 million tons. This is only 1% more than during the same period of the previous season. But at the same time this is one of the lowest indicators (after 2021/2022 marketing year) for this period during the last 7 seasons. The main importers of Ukrainian sunflower meal were China (its share is 50%) and the EU (38%).

But it has to be noted that the export of this product to China during the 8 months of 2022/23 marketing year almost has not changed (-2%), when it comes to the EU - it has increased by 63%. During September-April of 2022/23 marketing year the volume of shipped sunflower meal to the EU countries has increased to 1 million tons, which almost equaled the average indicator of pre-war exports.

The share of Ukrainian sunflower meal in the general volume of import of this product to the EU for the mentioned period has increased to 49% .

More details: https://bit.ly/3MTPZDc


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