Export of Ukrainian soybean reached a record

Ukrainian companies exported 406 000 tons of soybeans in January, which is the highest monthly export indicator in recent years. Compared to the last month, the export of soybeans increased by 50 000 tons, and compared to January last year, it tripled (in January 2022, Ukrainian soybean export amounted only to 135 000 tons).

The main reason for the increase in Ukrainian soybean export is the increase in the total soybean harvest in 2022 up to 3,7 million tons, which is the highest indicator since 2017. Also, due to the higher cost of 1 ton of soybeans compared to grain crops, the share of logistics price for 1 ton of soybeans is lower than for grains — corn or wheat, for instance.

Reference source: http://bit.ly/3E4JKHQ


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