Export by automobile transport has been increasing

Since the beginning of the year, export by automobile transport has been increasing. From March 1 to March 13, the total export of agricultural products by automobile transport amounted to 338 000 tons, compared to 332 000 tons in February and 217 000 tons in January for the same period. It is mentioned that in March export by car is already based on 66 000 tons of corn, 38 000 tons of wheat, 30 000 tons of sunflower, 26 000 tons of sunflower oil, and 20 000 tons of soybeans.

Car freight rates for the main destinations to Europe remain unchanged. Market rates for car transportation:

Lviv region - eastern Germany — 80-90€/ton;

Lviv region - north-eastern Italy — 120€/ton;

Cherkasy region - northern Bulgaria — 90€/ton.

Reference source: http://bit.ly/3ZPPii9


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