In January 7,7 million tons of Ukrainian agricultural products were exported

In January 2024 Ukraine managed to export 7,7 million tons of agricultural products, which is 0,3% lower than the previous month.

However, not all food products managed to physically cross the border and are waiting in queues for departure. As for the structure of export in January 2024, it looked like this:

grain crops: 5,3 million tons (corn - 63%, wheat - 30%, barley - 6%). Reduce to last month's indicator: -1%;

oil crops - 765,0 thousand tons (rape - 52%, soybeans - 40% and sunflower seeds - 7%). Reduce-1%.

vegetable oils - 664,5 thousand tons (sunflower oil - 92%, soybean oil - 5% and rapeseed oil - 3%). Reduce: -6%.

cakes after extraction of vegetable oils - 591,1 thousand tons (sunflower - 92%, soybean - 8%). Growth: +20%;

other types of agro-industrial products - 391,6 thousand tons. Reduce: -2%.

The main trends in January export:

increase in the export of rapeseed in comparison with other oil crops;

increase in the export of sunflower cake. This was mainly due to the establishment of export to China using the existing sea corridor.

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