LTG Cargo plans to launch weekly container train to Ukraine

LTG Cargo, a transport company of the Lithuanian Railways (Lietuvos geležinkeliai, LTG), is going to launch a weekly container train to Ukraine due to the complicated situation at the automobile border crossing points.

"In November alone, we received almost 80 new requests for the transportation of goods to and from Ukraine. The vast majority of them are from companies that have been transporting goods by truck until now. The unprecedented situation encourages customers to consider the possibility of transporting frozen food, paper and cardboard products, chemicals or wood by rail to or from Ukraine," - Eglė Šimė, CEO of LTG Cargo, said.

In one trip, the train can carry as much cargo as 36 trucks would normally carry.

At the same time, there are already results of cooperation with new customers: a train with a groupage cargo of three customers in containers has been formed from the Kaunas intermodal terminal to Ukraine. It will transport PET granules and ammonium sulfate, as well as empty containers. The train is due to reach Ukraine next week and is expected to take 8-9 days to get there.

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