Ukraine is dynamically increasing the export of sugar

During the first month of the season - October - shipments of sugar to foreign markets increased to 76 thousand tons. According to State Migration Service, in January-October, sugar export amounted to 364 000 tons worth 283,78 million US dollars, while total export in the 2022 calendar year amounted to 181 000 tons for 139,38 million US dollars.

According to the "Ukrtsukor" association, the largest supplies of sugar go to Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary. For reference: from June 15 to September 15, a ban on the export of sugar was valid in Ukraine. However, since August, the Cabinet of Ministers has provided quotas for the export of sugar.

According to forecasts of "Ukrtsukor", this year's beet harvest should ensure the production of 1,7 million tons of sugar.

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