The law on special conditions for the export of certain agricultural products entered into force in Ukraine

On February 5, Law 2881-IX entered into force in Ukraine, which provides for special conditions for the export of certain types of agricultural products. Its purpose is the timely return to Ukraine of foreign exchange earnings from the export of agricultural products. The norms of the law will be implemented in a month from the date of its publication.

This document stipulates that during the period of martial law:

  • The government is allowed to introduce an export security regime for the export of wheat and a mixture of wheat and rye (meslin) (UCT ZED 1001, (Ukrainian classification of foreign economics goods), barley (1003), corn (1005), soybeans (1201), rapeseed or rapeseed (1205), sunflower seeds (1206), sunflower, safflower, cottonseed oil or their fractions (1512), cake and other solid waste (2306);
  • only VAT payers whose registration has not been suspended may export products for which the regime of export security has been introduced;
  • products for which the regime of export security has been introduced may be exported under the customs regime of export only if the exporter has a positive history of returning foreign exchange earnings during the previous six months.

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