Every month we increase the export of grain through the western borders by 50% - Oleksandr Kubrakov

In the conditions of the blockade of Ukrainian seaports, the Ministry of Infrastructure has been working daily to reorient logistics to dry land, in particular to the western borders of Ukraine with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.

As the Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov announced on the air of the National Telethon, in order to solve the global food crisis, which was provoked by russia by blocking the sea ports, the volume of grain export is increasing by 50% every month. "We are doing all our best and the dynamics is very positive now. Every month, we grow in the volume of grain exports through the western borders by almost 50%. If it were not for the fact that the harvest of the previous year should be immediately exported, then in a few months we could reach the normal average monthly volume, which we had earlier with the help of the ports," - commented the Minister.

Oleksandr Kubrakov emphasized that the unblocking of ports in the current conditions is the only variant, so Ukraine, in partnership with international organizations and other states, is working on creating a mechanism for their unblocking. Oleksandr Kubrakov also talked about:

preparation for the signing of the Agreement on the liberalization of road transport between Ukraine and the EU

the first successes of the "Open Border" project

approaches to the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure and the participation of foreign partners in this process.


Reference source: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine



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